The NN framework is a cross-platform input-output system related to neural network processing. It allows users to conveniently connect multiple models in series or parallel, and generate outputs based on application needs.
The completeness and user-friendliness of the user interface, enabling users to quickly get started and build their own NN applications without delving into the underlying technical details.
For VSI model migration on the C3V platform, users can conveniently complete the entire migration process by following our provided SOP.
For two or more models, utilizing the framework will significantly facilitate users' integration process and produce accurate results quickly.
We offer the following NN functional modules:a.
Yolov5 Detection.
Person attributes.
Face Detection.
More Models
In the future, we will expand to include more mainstream NN applications:
Optical character recognition.
Vehicle attributes.
License plate recognition.
LightfaceAge recognition.Age recognition
Face detection and Agerecognition.
Yolov8 Detection.
Yolov8 Pose.
Yolov8 OBB (oriented bounding box).
Yolov8 Segmentation.
Yolov8 Classification.
Pedestrian Tracking.
Vehicle Tracking.
Person recognition and counting.
Vehicle recognition and counting.
Human fall detection.
Safety helmet detection.
Smoking detection.
Phone call detection.
Fighting detection.