Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


For detailed function implementation, please refer to the following file:

View file

we needs to be unzipped and placed in ~/c3v/Models/yolov8s-pose/wksp/yolov8s_int16_nbg_unify Folder.


3. Example flow of the program build and run


View file
View file
then placed them in ~/c3v/Models/yolov8s-pose/wksp/yolov8s-pose_int16_nbg_unify Folder. The brief folder of the project is like this:


Code Block
/mnt/yolov8s-pose_int16_nbg_unify # ./yolov8s-pose-int16 ./network_binary.nb
Create Neural Network: 59ms or 59044us
Verify Graph: 24ms or 24933us
Start run graph [1] times...
Run the 1 time: 122.44ms or 122443.93us
vxProcessGraph execution time:
Total   122.66ms or 122658.48us
Average 122.66ms or 122658.48us
obj: L: 0 P:0.93, [(0, 42) - (200, 599)]
obj: L: 0 P:0.91, [(309, 279) - (180, 361)]
obj: L: 0 P:0.58, [(344, 171) - (170, 301)]

3.2. ImageWriter Tool

If you want to show the detection results in an image, we suggest using ImageWriter tools.

Please download

View file
and compile it in c3v:

Code Block
cd imageWriter
make -j

Then you can run the imageWriter application directly on c3v:

Param1 is the image which is the same as yolov8s-pose-int16 param2. The yolov8s-pose-int16 is the application that is built in step 3.1. build in c3v.

Param2 is the file pose_results.raw which was generated after the program yolov8s-pose-int16 runs.

Param3 is the output name, which format is jpg.

Code Block
./imageWriter ./input.jpg ./pose_results.raw ./output.jpg

The result is like this:
