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Source Code


Please choose “[2] SP7350 IO Board” when asked during building code.

Refer to : In-system Programming Flash Devices, if you want to write image into eMMC device and boot from it. Please choose “[2] SP7350 IO Board” when asked during building code.

Refer to the release details of the software package: Releases

Prebuilt Images

  1. Ubuntu Server 24.04.1 SD card image (20242025-1102-2124)

  2. Ubuntu XFCE 24.04.1 SD card image (20242025-1102-2124)

To create an SD card for booting SP7350 IO Boards, start by downloading the prebuilt image file, such as Ubuntu_Server_24_.04_.1_for_IOB_2024112120250224.7z and unzip it. Once ready, write the image directly to the SD card using the dd command. For example:

Code Block
dd if=Ubuntu_Server_24_.04_.1_for_IOB_2024112120250224.img of=/dev/sda bs=1M; sync
