1.1. Provided Files
Download Hybrid_Quantization_Resources.zip and unzip the provided zipped file. We use 'provided_files' to represent the folder where you unzip the file to. The folder structure is as follows:
Please refer to the Setup_Miniconda3_Environment(C3VHybrid_ValidationQuantization).pdf to set up the Conda environment named quantize_yolov8s_demo on Ubuntu PC and Python 3.8 on C3V.
Code Block |
python prepare_quantization_dataset.py
python prepare_validation_dataset_i8_bin.py |
Once it's finished, the folder should contain the following new items:
hy_layer.txt (provided_files/)
yolov8s_inspirendemo.onnx (provided_files/)
transform_yolov8s_inspirendemo_acuity_6.30.7.py (provided_files/python_scripts/)
processed_inputs_for_quantization folder (prepare_inputs/)
inputs_for_acuity_quantization.txt (prepare_inputs/)
Set the environment variables based on your own folder structure and placement. The version for acuity_examples is 5272e22.
Code Block |
python transform_yolov8s_inspirendemo_acuity_6.30.7.py |
Once the export is finished, a folder should be named ovxlib_application_nbg_unify. Under this folder:
Code Block |
input_meta_tab[0].image.scale[0] = 0.00392156862 input_meta_tab[0].image.scale[1] = 0.00392156862 input_meta_tab[0].image.scale[2] = 0.00392156862 |
Modify vnn_post_process.c
Modify vnn_post_process.c according to modify_vnn_post_process_c .txt in the provided_files/ directory.
3. Model Inference (C3V Board)
3.2. Inference by Python
3.2.1 Build the project (Ubuntu PC)
Then import the modified ovxlib_application_nbg_unify folder into the Vivante IDE and build the project with the proper build configurations. Related information can be found in Section 5 6 of the C3V_AI_Platform_20240605.pdf
built project folder
processed_i8_bin_for_validation.zip (prepare_inputs/)
c3v_inference_yolov8s_inspirendemo.py (provided_files/python_scripts/c3v_pipeline/)
Unzip processed_i8_bin_for_validation.zip to the built project folder and move c3v_inference_yolov8s_inspirendemo.py to the built project folder.
Code Block |
chmod +x ./Debug/yolov8sinspirenyolov8sdemo |
Then activate the Conda environment 3.8_python, and run the following command.
Code Block |
python c3v_inference_yolov8s_inspirendemo.py |
This command may take some time. Once complete, you should find two new files:
Code Block |
sudo apt update sudo apt install python3-pip libopencv-dev libjsoncpp-dev pip install pycocotools |
3.3.2. Prepare the project (Ubuntu PC/C3V)
Download the mapTestTools_v1.1.zip and unzip the provided zipped file. The project code tree is like this:
Copy these three files to the framework/model folder, the files were exported by the acuity toolkit in this step: https://sunplus.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/C3/pages/2354020355/C3V+validationValidation+Guide#3.1.-Transition-(Ubuntu-PC-%2F-Acuity)
like this.
Code Block |
vsi_nn_graph_t * vnn_CreateGraph(const char *data_file_name, vsi_nn_context_t in_ctx, const vsi_nn_preprocess_map_element_t *pre_process_map, uint32_t pre_process_map_count, const vsi_nn_postprocess_map_element_t *post_process_map, uint32_t post_process_map_count) { return vnn_CreateYolov8sInspirenCreateYolov8sDemo(data_file_name, in_ctx, pre_process_map, pre_process_map_count, post_process_map, post_process_map_count); } /* vnn_CreateGraph() */ void vnn_ReleaseGraph(vsi_nn_graph_t *graph, vsi_bool release_ctx) { vnn_ReleaseYolov8sInspirenReleaseYolov8sDemo(graph, release_ctx); } /* vnn_ReleaseGraph() */ |