Deploy a Caffe Mobilenetv2 model on Arm NN

Deploy a Caffe Mobilenetv2 model on Arm NN

Armnn-caffe-mobilenet_v2 example uses a caffe model on top of ARMNN for image classification. In this example, this is number 17 which is a blue bird.
Please follow below procedure to execute this example.

Step1. Setup ARMNN environment

For program compile and execute, we should setup ARMNN environment at first. It will take long time to install packages with step by step procedure. Fortunately, we had setup ready in SP7021 development board and compatible to Respberry pi2.
If you used SP7021 board, you can directly download packages from github.

$ git clone https://github.com/sunplus-plus1/armnn_test.git

There are 4 compressed files under armnn_test/armnn-examples/armnn-pi. Please extract them and move "build" folder into "armnn" folder, finally the folder will show like below:

Remember to put "armnn-pi" folder in the root directory, because the example programs will assume all armnn libraries put in this path.

Step2. Armnn-caffe-mobilenet_v2 program download

Same to step1, the git clone armnn_test.git will also download armnn-caffe-mobilenet_v2 source code. Please find the source code at armnn_test/armnn-examples/ armnn-caffe-mobilenet_v2.

Step3. Compile and execute the model

Come in target folder
$ cd armnn-caffe-mobilenet_v2
Clean execute file
$ make clean
$ make all
Execute program
$ make test

Step4. Execute result

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