The cmMp4Record is used to mux h264 and AAC to mp4 files. The following features are currently supported:
One video/x-raw input or one video/h264 input with prerecord.
One video/x-raw and one audio/x-raw input or one video/h264 and one audio/mpeg input with prerecord.
Duration control.
Seamless support, the user can set the seamless duration.
If the video input is video/x-raw, it supports saving the 1st YUV to jpeg as a thumbnail file.
API Instructions
If the input is prerecording data, the data will be processed as h264 and AAC. Otherwise, the input data will be processed as raw data and the record will encode them to h264 or AAC.
/* @prerec Input is prerec data */ gpointer cm_mp4_record_create(gboolean prerec); void cm_mp4_record_destroy(gpointer hd);
void cm_mp4_record_start(gpointer hd); void cm_mp4_record_stop(gpointer hd);
/* @size Cache size for prerecord to avoid drop frame */ void cm_mp4_record_set_queue_size(gpointer hd, guint size ); /* @duration Record duration in seconds */ void cm_mp4_record_set_duration(gpointer hd, guint64 duration ); /* @filename MP4 filename, xxxx.mp4 or xxxx%02d.mp4 if seamless enable */ void cm_mp4_record_set_filename(gpointer hd, gchar* filename); /* @thumb Save the 1st video to jpeg as thumbnail if set thumb */ void cm_mp4_record_set_thumbnail(gpointer hd, const char* thumb); /* @en Enable seamless mode */ void cm_mp4_record_set_seamless_mode(gpointer hd, gboolean en); /* @duration The seamless duration in seconds */ void cm_mp4_record_set_seamless_duration(gpointer hd, guint64 duration); void cm_mp4_record_set_bus_handler(gpointer hd, cm_bus_watch_ptr cb, gpointer user_data); /** * Get mp4 record control info. * @key start-pts, stop-pts, current-duration * @val value */ void cm_mp4_record_get_control_info(gpointer hd, gchar* key, gpointer *value);
/** * @vsr A video/x-raw source(cmV4l2Src, ...) or video/h264 source(cmPrerecH264Src) * @asrc An audio/x-raw source(cmAacSrc, ...) or audio/mpeg source(cmPrerecAacSrc) */ void cm_mp4_record_link_to_source(gpointer hd, gpointer vsrc, gpointer asrc); void cm_mp4_record_unlink(gpointer hd);
GstElement* cm_mp4_record_get_bin(gpointer hd);
Mp4 Record Demo
Streaming Structure
Mux video/x-raw and audio/x-raw to mp4 file.
Main codes
//To watch the record status static gboolean _record_bus_handler(GstBus * bus, GstMessage * msg, gpointer user_data){ switch (GST_MESSAGE_TYPE(msg)) { case GST_MESSAGE_EOS:{ g_message("mp4 record eos!"); is_exit = TRUE; return GST_BUS_ASYNC; } default: break; } /* pass all messages on the async queue */ return TRUE; } static gboolean _main_loop(gpointer arg) { if(!vsrc) { //Create source vsrc = cm_video_v4l2_source_create("/dev/video0"); //Select video format cm_video_v4l2_source_set_caps_str0(vsrc, "video/x-raw,format=UYVY,width=1280,height=720,colorimetry=(string)1:4:7:1"); cm_video_v4l2_source_start(vsrc); } if(!asrc) { //Create source asrc = cm_audio_alsa_source_create("hw:1,0"); cm_audio_alsa_source_start(asrc); } //Wait the audio source and video source are ready if(cm_audio_alsa_source_is_ready(asrc) && cm_video_v4l2_source_is_ready(vsrc)){ if(!mp4){ mp4 = cm_mp4_record_create(FALSE); cm_mp4_record_set_duration(mp4, 15); time_t cur_time; time(&cur_time); struct tm *local = localtime(&cur_time); char filename[64] = {0}; sprintf(filename, "REC_%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d.mp4", local->tm_year + 1900, local->tm_mon + 1, local->tm_mday, local->tm_hour, local->tm_min, local->tm_sec); //Set the filename cm_mp4_record_set_filename(mp4, filename); //Link to the source cm_mp4_record_link_to_source(mp4, vsrc, asrc); //Add bus watch cm_mp4_record_set_bus_handler(mp4, _record_bus_handler, NULL); cm_mp4_record_start(mp4); gst_print("%s\n", filename); } else{ guint64 duration_ms; //Get the current duration mux cm_mp4_record_get_control_info(mp4, "current-duration", (void**)&duration_ms); gst_print("Mp4 recording......%d%%\r", duration_ms / duration / 10); if(duration_ms/1000 >= duration){ is_exit = TRUE; } } } ...... }
For more details please refer to the demo file.
Test Result
The mp4 file can be displayed on the PC.