- The Linux configuration option for ICM can be found in the following path.
Device Drivers -> <*> Misc devices -> <*> Sunplus Input Capture (ICM) driver |
4.3 SPI
- The Linux configuration option for SPI can be found in the following path.
Device Drivers -> <*> SPI support -> <*> Sunplus SPI master controller <*> User mode SPI device driver support |
- The Linux configuration option for SPI NOR FLASH can be found in the following path.
Device Drivers -> <*> Memory Technology device (MTD) support -> <*> OpenFirmware partitioning Information support <*> Caching block device access to MTD device <*> SPI-NOR device support -> <*> Sunplus SPI nor controller |
- The Linux configuration option for SPI NAND FLASH can be found in the following path.
Device Drivers -> <*> Memory Technology device (MTD) support -> <*> NAND Device Support -> <*> Support for SPI NAND controller on SUNPLUS SoCs |
4.6 UART
- The Linux configuration option for UART can be found in the following path.
Device Drivers |
-> |
<*> Character device |
-> <*> Serial drivers |
-> <*> Sunplus UART serial port support |
4.7 I2C
- The Linux configuration option for I2C can be found in the following path.
Device Drivers |
-> |
<*> I2C support |
-> <*> I2C device interface I2C Hardware Bus support |
-> <*> SP I2C support |
- The Linux configuration option for SD CARD can be found in the following path.
Device Drivers |
-> |
<*> MMC/SD/SDIO card support |
-> <*> Sunplus Gemini SoC SD Host Controller support |
4.9 USB
- The Linux configuration option for USB can be found in the following path.
Device Drivers |
-> |
<*> USB support |
-> <*> EHCI HCD (USB 2.0) support <*> OHCI HCD (USB 1.1) support <*> USB Gadget Support |
-> <*> USB Peripheral Controller |
-> <*> Sunplus Gemini USB Device Controller |
- The Linux configuration option for ETHERNET SWITCH can be found in the following path.
Device Drivers |
-> |
<*> Network device support |
-> <*> Ethernet driver support |
-> <*> Sunplus devices |
- Mode select at(For example: Dual NIC Mode)
Device Drivers |
-> |
<*> Network device support |
-> <*> Ethernet driver support |
-> <*> Sunplus devices Selected Mode(Dual NIC Mode) |
-> ( ) An NIC with Daisy-Chain Mode Dual NIC Mode ( ) An NIC with Daisy-Chain Mode2 |
4.11 AUDIO
- The Linux configuration option for AUDIO can be found in the following path.
Device Drivers |
-> |
<*> Sound card support |
-> <*> Advanced Linux Sound Architecture |
-> <*> ALSA for SoC audio support |
-> <*> ASoc support for Sunplus |
- The Linux configuration option for MIPICSI can be found in the following path.