How to compile the code for ARM926

How to compile the code for ARM926

1. Download the source code

We provide two source code download addresses, one is github(sunplus-plus1 - Overview ) and the other is gitee(https://gitee.com/sunplus-plus1).

2. ARM926 source code location

You download the source code, the directory of arm926 code :



3. Default Compile


make all

This comand will auto compile all the components(include the arm926), and auto pack the nonos/Bchip-non-os/bin/rom.img to the ISPBOOOT.BIN for EMMC/SPI-Nand to burn .

If you boot by the SD Card or USB Stick, it produced the a926.img(rom.img rename to a926.img)

4. Seperatly Compile the ARM926 code


make nonos

This comand only compile the arm926 code.

5. ARM926 toolchain

Now the arm926 used the gcc toolchain is cross/armv5-eabi--glibc--stable, the toolchain is used for compile linux(the arm926 can run linux).So it can’t use the glibc. You can use the AArch32 bare-metal target (arm-none-eabi), you should download the toolchain(toolchian download link).Then you can modify theTOOLCHAIN_V5_PATH and CROSS_V5_COMPILE varilabes in the bulid/Makefile.