Opencv +QT+GTK compile

Opencv +QT+GTK compile

1. Add cross compile path


YOUR_ARM_TOOLCHAIN_PATH is the cross compile tool path ,it is absolute path.

For example:


2. Build GTK+-2.15.5 with directfb backend

cd application/gtk

./build native -->build the gtk be dependent on lib


./build /usr -->/usr is gtk install rootfs destination path

.tmp/gtk.tar.gz -->you decompress the package to the application/rootfs/initramfs/disk/usr

.tmp/log -->it’s the compile log, if compile fail , you can review the compile log for finding out the cause.

3. Build QT

cd application/qt

./build /usr --> is qt install rootfs destination path

.tmp/qt.tar.gz -->you decompress the package to appliaction/rootfs/initramfs/disk/usr

.tmp/log → it’s the compile log, if compile fail, you can review the compile log for finding out the cause.

4. Build Opencv

cd application/opencv

./build /usr -->it is the intstall rootfs destination path

.tmp/opencv.tar.gz -->you decompress the package to application/rootfs/initramfs/disk/usr

.tmp/log -->it’s the compile log, if compile fail,you can review the compile log for finding out the cause.


5. Opencv base on GTK

  1. First step you must compile the GTK

  2. then you compile the opencv and don’t compile the QT

6. Opencv base on QT

  1. First step you must compile the QT

  2. you must remove the gtk/.tmp

  3. then you compile the opencv


7 . build the rootfs

1. Decompress qt.tar.gz and opencv.tar.gz to the disk/usr

2. modify the rootfs and overlay partition size



3. make all

4. build the ISPBOOOT.BIN

5. usb isp for eMMC

8. run the opencv example on the paltform

1. power on

2. modprobe sp_hdmitx //load the HDMI driver

3. /usr/bin/example_cpp_videocapture_basic









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