OTP Tool user guide

OTP Tool user guide

This is a Windows application. It has two functions:

  1. Read the OTP bits from SP7021 chips.

  2. Burn OTP bits.

If you need the Windows application, please contact with Sunplus distributors.

1. Burning the OTP the Hardware configure:


connect the OTP jumper, so it supply the OTP burning voltage.

2. Import the IC OTP bit define table:


The OTP table import successful.

3. Setting serial and connect the platform:

1). the serial baud set 115200 bps.


2). click the ‘Connect' button, when it is open successful, the log info is 'OpenPort Success’.

3). power on platform, when the tool connect the platform, the log window display 'CONNECT SUCCESS!'

4. Write and read the OTP bits:

1). Click the ‘Read' button, the tool read the all OTP bits from the IC , and the log window display the info 'READ Successs’ and the the table read column.

2) write the data for example 'burn the mac address .

a. click the check box ‘bit column', I select the ‘ETH0_MAC_ADDR’ and 'ETH1_MAC_ADDR’ ;

b. select the mac auto mode ,it write once and auto increase 1;

c. input the star address;

d. input the end address (greater than the start address )

e. click the write ,it burning the selected OTP bits, when the burn the OTP bits success, the debug window display the ‘WRITE SUCCESS',and the used MAC can be record in the 'RecordMacAdderss.txt’.

5. Modify the OTP bits:

you can click the mouse right button for modify the OTP bits

a. Insert Item: for manual add the otp bits item.

b. modify Item : for manual modify the OTP bits item.

c. Delete Item: delete the selected item.

d. Delete All: delete all items.

e. Cancel All:


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